Thursday, March 4, 2010

23 Genesis 1 versus the Big Bang

Many Christians attempting to compromise with modern science propose that God used the Big Bang to create the universe. There are several things wrong with this idea. Most importantly, it is absolutely contrary to the plain reading of Scripture in Genesis 1.

The big bang story from the beginning to now:

  1. The entire universe is contained in a point.
  2. This point rapidly expands like a balloon.
  3. Energy becomes matter - hydrogen and helium.
  4. The matter condenses into stars and galaxies.
  5. Stars make heavier elements which become dust.
  6. Dust condenses to form planets.
  7. On one such planet, chemicals happen to form life.
  8. Life evolves into you.

How does this compare to the Bible?

Big BangThe Bible
Cause of the universeQuantum fluctuation, nothing, can’t knowGod
TimescaleBillions of YearsThousands of Years
OrderStars before the EarthEarth before stars
OrderFish before treesTrees before fish
OrderDinosaurs before birdsBirds before dinosaurs
The futureHeat deathJudgment / restoration
ETsLife likely evolved elsewhere, tooEarth created specifically for life
Original EarthMolten rockCreated as a paradise

Do we trust in God's account of origins or man's story?

God's WordMan's Guess
God was actually thereMan wasn't there
Never makes mistakesMan makes mistakes
Knows everythingLimited knowledge
Always correctly interprets evidenceCan often misinterpret the evidence
Never liesSometimes dishonest
Actually responsibile for creationHad nothing to do with creation

Which are you going to believe?

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